pm wani

PM WANI Digital India Mission Initiative

Prime Minister WiFi Access Network Interface abbreviated as “PM-WANI” is a government initiative which aims to bring large scale deployment of WiFi hotspots and it can be setup at stores, local shops, cafés and many such public places across the country .

Boost Your Income with PDOs

Besides generating employment, such a public Wi-Fi network will boost disposable incomes of small and medium entrepreneurs. There will be no licence fee or registration fee for it and businesses can take services from any ISP and use their physical location to provide WiFi.

How users are benefited by using PM WANI?

Users can access the PMWANI network by registering through a mobile app, ensuring security and accountability. Once connected, they can enjoy internet services for various purposes like education, communication, e-governance,and more.

Featured Video on PM WANI digital India Mission

The Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi approved the proposal of Department of Telecom (DoT) to proliferate Broadband through Public Wi-Fi networks under the framework of the Prime Minister’s Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-WANI) on 9th December 2020.


What is PM WANI Digital India Mission Initiative?

PM WANI (Public Wi-Fi Access Network Interface) is an initiative introduced by the Government of India to provide widespread internet access to the citizens. Launched in 2019, PMWANI aims to bridge the digital divide by establishing a network of public Wi-Fi hotspots across the country, especially in rural and
remote areas where internet connectivity is limited.

What is the Primary Goal of PM WANI?

The primary goal of PMWANI is to enable affordable and reliable internet access for the masses, fostering digital inclusion and empowerment. By providing free or low-cost internet services, the initiative aims to empower people with information, education, and economic opportunities.

Under PMWANI, various entities such as cable operators, small shop owners, tea stalls, or even Individuals can become Public Data Office (PDO) operators, setting up and managing Wi-Fi hotspots. These PDOs, in turn, work with Public Data Office Aggregators (PDOAs) to connect their hotspots to the central PMWANI system.

How can PM WANI helpful for the people of India?

Users can access the PMWANI Network by registering through a Mobile app, ensuring security and accountability. Once connected, they can enjoy internet services for various purposes like education, communication, e-governance,and more.

How this technology revolutionize India?

This initiative has the potential to revolutionize internet access in India, as it encourages entrepreneurship at the grassroots level while promoting digital literacy and economic growth. Additionally, PMWANI has the capacity to support various government schemes and programs, leading to increased efficiency and transparency in service delivery.

How this technology evolve through out the country?

As PM WANI evolves, it is expected to play a pivotal role in empowering millions of Indians with digital connectivity, knowledge, and economic opportunities, making them active participants in India’s digital transformation.

How to become a PDO ?

Anyone who desires to become a PDO sets up a Wi-Fi access point by procuring network services from a service provider. The PDOs are registered with a PDOAs that is registered on the App. Now, any subscriber in the vicinity of a Wi-Fi hotspots, after registering and authenticating themselves on the App can connect to PDOs.

This request is sent to the relevant PDOA who, after authenticating the user, will provide them with the requisite Wi-Fi access.

Who to become a PDO ?

  • Any village level entrepreneur (VLE) like Cable Operators,Grocery Shop Owners,Tea Stalls, or even Individuals can become Public
    Data Office (PDO) operators, setting up and Managing Wi-Fi Hotspots.
  • Registration Required with PDA’S
  • Install Wi Fi Access point at your premises
  • Start selling Internet Broadband Over

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Affordable Prices

We provide an end to end solution for everyone to enjoy internet service at an competitive and economical price.

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